
Other sources

Wikipedia sites provided information and additional copyright-friendly images used in this website:

·         Wikipedia Encyclopedia

·         Wikimedia Commons

·         Wiki Books

Flickr also provides many images under the creative commons license.

Useful websites




Further reading

-Purves. D et al (2004)

Neuroscience (third edition)

-Bear. M et al (2007)

Neuroscience-Exploring the Brain (third edition)

-Seligman. M et al (2001)

Abnormal Psychology (Fourth edition)

-Rang and Dales (2007)

Pharmacology (Sixth edition)

-Martin . G

Human Neurophychology (Second edition) 

-Ketter. T and Drevets. W (2002)

Neuroimaging studies of bipolar depression: functional neuropathology, treatment effects, and predictors of clinical reponse.

Clinical Neuroscience Research 2 (2002) 182–192